All State offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


Community Relations

Colorado Department of Revenue 
Policy Manual 
Policy 340

Community Relations


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for community relationship-building. Additional guidance on community relations and outreach is provided in other policies, including the:

  •  Bias-Motivated Crimes Policy. 
  • Limited English Proficiency Services Policy. 
  • Communications with Persons with Disabilities Policy. 
  • Patrol Function Policy. 
  • Suspicious Activity Reporting Policy.

340.2 POLICY

It is the policy of the Colorado Department of Revenue to promote positive relationships between agency members and the community by treating community members with dignity and respect and engaging them in public safety strategy development and relationship-building activities, and by making relevant policy and operations information available to the community in a transparent manner.


Investigators should, as time and circumstances reasonably permit:

  • (a) Make casual and consensual contacts with community members to promote positive community relationships (see the Detentions, Contacts, and Photographing Detainees Policy). 
  • (b) Become reasonably familiar, when appropriate, with the schools, businesses, and community groups in their assigned jurisdictional areas. 
  • (c) Work with community members and the Appointing Authority or their designee to identify issues and solve problems related to community relations in the areas DOR regulates. 
  • (d) If applicable, based on division responsibilities, conduct periodic foot patrols of their assigned areas to facilitate interaction with community members. Investigators carrying out foot patrols should notify an appropriate supervisor and the Dispatch Center of their status (i.e., on foot patrol) and location before beginning and upon completion of the foot patrol. They should also periodically inform the Dispatch Center of their location and status during the foot patrol.


As appropriate the Appointing Authority or their designee may arrange for a survey of community members and agency members to be conducted at least annually to assess the condition of the relationship between the Agency and the community. Survey questions should be designed to evaluate perceptions of the following:

  • (a) Overall performance of the Agency 
  • (b) Overall competence of agency members 
  • (c) Attitude and behavior of agency members (d) Level of community trust in the Agency (e) Safety, security or other concerns

A written summary of the compiled results of the survey should be provided to the Executive Director.


As appropriate, the Appointing Authority or their designee may organize or assist with programs and activities that create opportunities for agency members and community members, especially youth, to interact in a positive setting. Examples of such programs and events include:

  • (a) Agency-sponsored athletic programs (e.g., baseball, basketball, soccer, bowling). 
  • (b) Police-community get-togethers (e.g., cookouts, meals, charity events). 
  • (c) Youth leadership and life skills mentoring.


The Appointing Authority or their designee should work with the Public Information Officer/Director of Communications to develop methods and procedures for the convenient sharing of information (e.g., major incident notifications, significant changes in agency operations, comments, feedback, positive events) between the Agency and community members. Examples of information-sharing methods include:

  • (a) Community meetings. 
  • (b) Social media (see the Agency Use of Social Media Policy). 
  • (c) Agency website postings. Refer to the Colorado Department of Revenue Social Media Policy - EDO-049

Information should be regularly refreshed to inform and engage community members continuously.


The divisions as appropriate should develop methods to educate community members on general law enforcement operations so they may understand the work that investigators do. Examples of educational methods include:

  • (a) Development and distribution of informational cards/flyers. 
  • (b) Agency website postings.
  • (c) Presentations to driver education classes.
  • (d) Agency ride-alongs (see the Ride-Along Policy).
  • (e) Scenario/Simulation exercises with community member participation.
  • (f) Youth internships at the Agency.

Instructional information should include direction on how community members should interact with the police during investigative contacts and how community members can make a complaint to the Agency regarding alleged misconduct or inappropriate job performance by agency members.


Agency members responsible for community relations activities should consider the safety of the community participants and, as much as reasonably practicable, not allow them to be present in any location or situation that would jeopardize their safety.

Agency members in charge of community relations events should ensure that participating community members have completed waiver forms before participation, if appropriate. A parent or guardian must complete the waiver form if the participating community member has not reached 18 years of age.

Community members are subject to a criminal history check before approval for participation in certain activities, such as citizen academies.


The Agency should periodically publish statistical data and analysis regarding the agency's operations. The reports should not contain the names of investigators, suspects or case numbers.


Subject to available resources, members should receive training related to this policy, including training on topics such as:

  • (a) Effective social interaction and communication skills. 
  • (b) Cultural, racial and ethnic diversity and relations. 
  • (c) Building community partnerships. 
  • (d) Community policing and problem-solving principles.
  • (e) Enforcement actions and their effects on community relations.

Where practicable and appropriate, community members, especially those with relevant expertise, should be involved in the training to provide input from a community perspective.


The Office of Professional Standards and Training (OPS) Manager is responsible for ensuring that members attend community policing and community partnership training as required by CRS § 24-31-315.