Zoom Help

About Zoom

We know that “Zoom-bombings” and other security concerns have recently been in the news causing some businesses to ban Zoom. The Hearings Division uses an enterprise - not a free, personal - version of Zoom that allows us to configure virtual hearing rooms following OIT guidance to minimize the risk of meeting hijackings and other nefarious activities. The Hearings Division Enterprise license and our Hearings are compliant with all of the CDOR security protocols and state security requirements. If you have questions regarding how this affects the Colorado Open Meetings Law, you can start with this link here.

If you are unable to join a hearing held by zoom, please send us an email at zoomhelp@state.co.us. For general questions regarding your hearing, you may call the Hearings Division at (303) 205-5606 or send us an email at dor_info_hearings@state.co.us.

Beginning June 1, 2020 the Colorado Department of Revenue, Hearings Division will begin offering hearings via Zoom video conferencing. The information provided below is intended to help answer questions about this transition.

Will the hearings notice letters be updated?

Yes, the letters have been revised to include instructions on how to join a hearing via zoom.us. You will be able to participate in a hearing through several electronic options through the Zoom platform including by telephone, by computer and by application. You can participate by call in or by video connection. The former phone system is no longer being used and those phone hearings will no longer be available.

Is there training available?

Training for Zoom meetings is available online at zoom.us and upon request from the Hearings Division. 

When will letters begin being issued with Zoom options?

Hearings held via Zoom will be included in letters in the middle of May. The first Zoom hearings will begin in June.

Are in-person hearings available?

Starting in July 2020, all DOR hearings involving DMV matters will be scheduled as Zoom hearings and all Regulatory hearings will be scheduled through Zoom. Until certain COVID-19 restrictions are modified, in person hearings may be unavailable. The Division website will be updated with further details as circumstances allow for in person hearings. Requests for in person hearings shall be submitted in writing to dor_info_hearings@state.co.us and the Division will issue a response to the requesting party. Refer to the Hearings Division website for instructions. 

If we are experiencing issues with a Zoom hearing, who would we contact?

To Contact the Department of Revenue Hearings Division

Phone: 303-205-5606
Email for Check in Assistance: zoomhelp@state.co.us; if your issue is for an immediate hearing add ‘urgent’ to the subject line; this email will be monitored promptly during business hours. Note: the previous phone system would roll over to the main phone line and emails were sent to a different address, please use this email address to get help with any Zoom hearing

How will processes be updated to reflect the change to electronic hearings?
  • A: To send case related questions, to seek case related information or to submit documents such as subpoena requests and proof of service please email: dor_info_hearings@state.co.us. All regular case correspondence should go through this email address as was previously handled. This account is staffed all day and monitored regularly. The responses are same day.
  • B: To submit electronic evidence or documents for a hearing go visit our forms page. This new web form allows parties to securely submit video evidence electronically. Previously, all video evidence was sent on a thumb drive by mail. Now, we are encouraging all parties to transition to electronic submissions and to decrease the use of mail and paper documents as the Division transitions to fully electronic processes. This portal should be used for all evidence submissions. You must set up a google account prior to using this form. These submissions will be directed to the administrative staff and the materials will be stored in the Division google drive and will be accessible by the Hearing Officer.