Taxation Division 2024 Regulatory Agenda

CDOR Tax Division

The Colorado Department of Revenue (CDOR) submits the following 2024 Regulatory Agenda (Agenda) in fulfillment of the statutory requirements set forth in §2-7-202(6), 2-7-203, and 24-4-103.3(4), C.R.S. Pursuant to state law, annually on November 1 executive-branch agencies must file their Agenda.
Per §2-7- 202(6), C.R.S., the Agenda must contain:

  • (a) A list of new rules or revisions to existing rules that the department expects to propose in the next calendar year;
  • (b) The statutory or other basis for adoption of the proposed rules;
  • (c) The purpose of the proposed rules;
  • (d) The contemplated schedule for adoption of the rules;
  • (e) An identification and listing of persons or parties that may be affected positively or negatively by the rules. 

The Agenda is to be filed with Legislative Council Staff for distribution to committee(s) of reference, posted on CDOR’s website, and submitted to the State Library, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, and the Secretary of State for publication in the Colorado Register.
CDOR must also present its Agenda as part of its “SMART Act” presentation pursuant to §2-7-203(2)(a), C.R.S.
CDOR works with several boards and commissions that promulgate rules; for ease of use for the consumer, those rules are included in CDOR's Agenda.
The Agenda covers Calendar Year 2024 (CY24). 


Taxation Division 2024 Regulatory Agenda


Rule Number and Title
(or Description)

New rule,
or repeal?

Statutory or
other basis for
adoption of rule

Part of
Rule Review?



Hearing Date

Jan1 CCR 201-4, Rule 39-26-703-1, 
Buyer's Claims for Refund of Sales 
or Use Tax Paid
New§ 39-21-112(1), 39-
26-702, and 39-26-
703, C. R.S. 
 Prescribe, pursuant to section 39-26-703(2)(d), C.R.S., the form for making an application for refund of sales or use taxes and the data, information, and documentation
an applicant must provide, and provide guidance regarding protective refund claims for sales and use tax paid to the seller and the penalty imposed for incomplete refund claims.
All Taxpayers, 
All Retailers,
Tax Practitioners
November 2, 2023
Feb. 1 CCR 201-2, Rule 39-22-104(2)-1,
Modification of Federal Taxable
Income for FAMLI Benefits 
New§ 39-21-112(1), 39- 22-104, 8-13.3-504, and 8-13.3-517(2), C. R.S. Clarify that the exemption from state income tax for family and medical leave insurance benefits is applied as a subtraction from federal taxable incomeAll Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners 
November 30, 2023
Feb. 1 CCR 201-2, Rule 39-22-104(3)
(d), State Income Tax Addback 
New§ 39-21-112(1), 39-
22-104(3)(d), 39-22-
202, 39-22-203, 39-
22-304(2)(d), 39-22-
321, 39-22-322, and
39-22-323, C. R.S. 
 Provide guidance regarding the addition to federal taxable income required for individuals, estates, and trusts for state income taxes, including FAMLI premiums, deducted by the individual, estate, or trust or by a partnership or S corporation in which the individual,
estate, or trust is a partner or shareholder 
All Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners 
November 30, 2023
Feb. 1 CCR 201-2, Rule 39-22-104(3)
(p), Itemized Deduction Addback
New§ 39-21-112(1), 39-
22-104(3)(d), (3)(g),
and (3)(p), C. R.S. 
 Provide guidance to certain individual income taxpayers who are required to add back a portion of the itemized deductions from their federal income tax return to determine their Colorado taxable income pursuant to House Bill 21-1311All Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners 
November 30, 2023
Feb. 1 CCR 201-2, Rule 39-22-104(3)(p.
5), Federal Deduction Addback 
New§ 39-21-112(1), 39-
22-104(3)(d), (3)(g),
(3)(p), and (3)(p.5),
C. R.S. 
 Provide guidance to certain individual income taxpayers who are required to add back a portion of the itemized
or standard deductions from their federal income tax return to determine their Colorado taxable income pursuant to House Bill 22-1414 and Proposition FF
All Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners 
November 30, 2023
Mar. 1 CCR 201-2, Rule 39-22-516,
Innovative Motor Vehicle and
Innovative Truck Credits 
Revision § 39-21-112(1), 39-
22-516.7, and 39-
22-516.8, C. R.S. 
 Provide additional guidance and clarification regarding the innovative motor vehicle and innovative truck credits and changes made to the credits by House Bill
All Taxpayers, Automobile Dealers, 
Tax Practitioners 
January 15, 2024
Apr. 1 CCR 201-4, Rule 39-26-102(7)-2, Purchase Price Involving a Donation to a Charitable OrganizationNew§ 39-21-112(1), 39- 21-113, 39-26-102 (7)(a), 39-26-104, 39-26-116, 39-26- 201(1), and 39-26- 202, C.R.S. Establish the conditions under which a portion of a payment for a sale made by a charitable organization is considered a donation and therefore excluded from the taxable purchase price and to clarify recordkeeping requirements related theretoAll Taxpayers, 
All Charitable
Tax Practitioners 
May 30, 2024
Apr. 1 CCR 201-4, Rule 39-26-718,
Charitable Organizations 
Revision§ 39-21-112(1), 39-
26-102(2.5), 39-26-
713(2)(d), and 39-
26-718, C.R.S. 
 Update rule to conform to House Bill 19-1323 All Taxpayers, 
All Charitable
Tax Practitioners 
May 30, 2024 
Apr. 1 CCR 201-5, Special Rule Sales
by Charitable Organizations 
New § 39-21-112(1), 39-
26-102(2.5), 39-26-
103, 39-26-105, 39-
26-106, 39-26-713
(2)(d), and 39-26-
718, C.R.S. 
 Provide clarification on the obligations of charitable organizations that conduct retail sales All Taxpayers, 
All Charitable
Tax Practitioners 
May 30, 2024 
Apr. 1 CCR 201-1 Rule 39-21-105.5-2,
Electronic Notices 
New§ 39-21-102, 39-21-
103, 39-21-104, 39-
21-105.5, 39-21-112
(1), and 39-21-113
(4) C.R.S. 
 Establish procedures that allow taxpayers to voluntarily
elect to receive notices or other communication from
the Department by electronic means 
All Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners 
June 30, 2024
May1 CCR 201-18, Rule 39-28.8-101, Retail Marijuana DefinitionsRevision§ 39-21-112(1), 39-
26-102, 39-28.8-
101, 39-28.8-201,
39-28.8-205, and
39-28.8-308, C.R.S.
YesUpdate rule to reflect updated statutes and MED rules, and include new terms used throughout our retail marijuana rules Retail Marijuana Industry,
Tax Practitioners 
July 15, 2024 
May 1 CCR 201-18, Rule 39-28.8-201,
Retail Marijuana Sales Tax
Revision § 24-35-108, 39-21-
112(1), 39-21-113,
39-26-103, 39-26-
105, 39-26-116, 39-
26-118(2), 39-28.8-
201, and 39-28.8-
205, C.R.S. 
YesSet forth procedures governing the collection, administration, and enforcement of the retail marijuana sales tax Retail Marijuana Industry,
Tax Practitioners 
July 15, 2024
May 1 CCR 201-18, Rule 39-28.8-202,
Retail Marijuana Sales Tax
Imposition and Collection 
Revision § 39-21-112(1), 39-
26-102, 39-26-105,
39-28.8-101, 39-
28.8-201, 39-28.8-
202, and 39-28.8-
205, C.R.S. 
YesProvide guidance regarding the imposition and collection of the retail marijuana sales tax and the applicability of the retail marijuana sales tax to wholesale sales Retail Marijuana Industry,
Tax Practitioners 
July 15, 2024 
May 1 CCR 201-18, Rule 39-28.8-302-
1, Average Market Rate
New § 39-21-112(1), 39-
28.8-101(1.5), and
39-28.8-308, C.R.S. 
 Establish rules governing the calculation of the average market rate for purposes of the retail marijuana excise taxRetail Marijuana Industry,
Tax Practitioners 
July 15, 2024 
May 1 CCR 201-18, Rule 39-28.8-302,
Retail Marijuana Excise Tax
Imposition and Calculation
Revision § 39-21-112(1), 39-
28.8-301, 39-28.8-
302, 39-28.8-308,
and 44-10-503, C.R.
YesProvide guidance regarding the imposition and calculation of the retail marijuana excise tax Retail Marijuana Industry,
Tax Practitioners 
July 15, 2024
May 1 CCR 201-18, Rule 39-28.8-303,
Recordkeeping Requirements 
Revision § 24-35-108(1)(f),
39-21-112(1), 39-21-
113, 39-26-116, 39-
26-118(2), 39-28.8-
301, 39-28.8-303,
and 39-28.8-308, C.
YesDetail the recordkeeping requirements for the retail marijuana excise tax Retail Marijuana Industry,
Tax Practitioners 
July 15, 2024
May 1 CCR 201-18, Rule 39-28.8-304,
Retail Marijuana Excise Tax
Revision § 24-35-108(1)(f),
39-21-112(1), 39-21-
113, 39-26-103, 39-
26-105, 39-26-116,
39-26-118(2), 39-
28.8-301, 39-28.8-
304, and 39-28.8-
308, C.R.S. 
YesEstablish procedures governing the collection,
administration, and enforcement of the retail marijuana excise tax 
Retail Marijuana Industry,
Tax Practitioners
July 15, 2024
Jun. 1 CCR 201-1, Rule 39-21-113-1,
Fee for the Issuance of Proof of
Return Filing 
New§ 39-21-112(1) and
C. R.S. 
 Establish and charge a fee for the issuance of proof of return filing All Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners 
July 31, 2024 
Jun.1 CCR 201-1, Rule 39-21-102-1,
Fees Within the Scope of Article
New § 39-21-112(1) and
39-21-102, C. R.S. 
 Clarify the applicability of the provisions of article 21 of title 39, C.R.S., to the fees administered by the Taxation DivisionAll Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners 
July 31, 2024 
Jun. 1 CCR 201-1, Rule 39-21-105.5-2,
Notices Deposited in US Mail 
New§ 39-21-112(1) and
39-21-105.5, C. R.S.
 Make clear that the presumption that a notice was received by a taxpayer if the Department maintains a
record of the notice and maintains a certification that the notice was deposited in the US mail by an employee of the Department or the Department's designee 
All Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners 
July 31, 2024
Jun.1 CCR 201-4, Rule 39-26-704-3Repeal § 39-21-112(1) and
39-26-704, C. R.S. 
YesRepeal this rule because it is duplicative of the statuteAll Taxpayers, 
All Retailers,
Tax Practitioners 
July 31, 2024
Jun.1 CCR 201-4, Rule 39-26-704-5Repeal§ 39-21-112(1) and
39-26-704, C. R.S. 
YesRepeal this rule because it is duplicative of the statute All Taxpayers, 
All Retailers,
Tax Practitioners 
July 31, 2024
Jun.1 CCR 201-5, Special Rule 5,
Broadcasting Stations and Other
Repeal § 39-21-112(1), 39-
26-102, and 39-26-
104, 39-26-105, 39-
26-202, and 39-26-
204, C. R.S. 
YesRepeal this rule because it is duplicative of basic sales tax principles that apply to all retailers and are set forth in statutes and other rules All Taxpayers, 
All Retailers,
All Media Businesses, 
Tax Practitioners 
July 31, 2024 
Jun. 1 CCR 201-5, Special Rule 15,
Sales on Federal Areas 
Repeal § 39-21-112(1), 39-
26-102, and 39-26-
104, 39-26-105, 39-
26-704, 39-26-708,
and 39-26-727, C. R.
YesRepeal the rule because the rule is duplicative of federal and state case lawAll Taxpayers, 
All Retailers,
Tax Practitioners 
July 31, 2024 
Jun. 1 CCR 201-10, Rule 39-29-107, Oil
Shale Severance Tax 
Repeal § 39-21-112(1) and
39-29-107, C. R.S. 
 Repeal the rule because the reference to subsection (2) is obsolete as a result of House Bill 23-1121, and the remainder of the rule is obsolete because the severance of oil shale does not occur in Colorado Oil Shale Producers, 
Tax Practitioners
July 31, 2024 
Jul.1 CCR 201-2, Rule 39-22-550,
Electric Lawn Equipment Tax
New§ 39-21-112(1) and
39-22-550, C.R.S.
 Provide guidance on the electric lawn equipment tax credit passed by Senate Bill 23-016 All Taxpayers, 
All Retailers,
Tax Practitioners 
September 15, 2024 
Jul. 1 CCR 201-2, Rule 39-22-555,
Electric Bicycle Tax Credit 
New § 39-21-112(1) and
39-22-555, C.R.S. 
 Provide guidance on the electric bicycle tax credit passed by House Bill 23-1272 All Taxpayers, 
All Retailers,
Tax Practitioners 
September 15, 2024 
Aug. 1 CCR 201-2, Rule 39-22-509,
Alternative Transportation
Options Credit 
New§ 39-21-112(1) and
39-22-509, C.R.S. 
 Clarify the requirements for claiming the alternative transportation options income tax credit All Taxpayers, 
All Businesses,
Transportation Demand Managers, Transportation
Demand Organizations, 
Tax Practitioners 
October 17, 2024
Sep.1 CCR 201-20, Rule 43-4-218,
Retail Delivery Fees
Revision § 39-21-112(1), 43-
4-218, 24-38.5-303,
25-7.5-103, 43-4-
805, 43-4-1203, and
43-4-1303, C.R.S. 
 Update rule to reflect changes made to the retail delivery fees in Senate Bill 23-143 All Taxpayers, 
All Retailers,
Tax Practitioners
October 30, 2024 
Sep. 1 CCR 201-2, Rule 39-22-629,
Advance Payment of Tax Credits 
New§ 39-21-112(1), 39-
22-555, and 39-22-
629, C.R.S. 
 Provide guidance on the advance payment of tax credits established and permitted under House Bill 23-1272 All Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners
November 30, 2024 
Nov. 1 CCR 201-4, Rule 39-26-102(5.7),
Mainframe Computer Access
New§ 39-21-112(1), 39-
26-102(5.7), and 39-
26-122, C.R.S. 
 Interpret the statutory definition of “mainframe
computer access”
All Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners
January 9, 2025
Nov. 1 CCR 201-4, Rule 39-26-104-8,
Mainframe Computer Access 
New § 39-21-112(1), 39-
26-104(1)(a) and (3)
(a), and 39-26-122,
 Explain the imposition of sales tax on mainframe
computer access 
All Taxpayers, 
Tax Practitioners
January 9, 2025


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