Regulatory Hearings & Rulemaking Procedures

Hearing Request

The Hearings Division has no jurisdiction over any licensing hearing request until the applicable division that administered the license files the hearing request with the Hearings Division. Any questions regarding your hearing rights must be directed to the division that administered the license in question. 


Filings for Regulatory Hearing

 All filings related to regulatory hearing matters must be filed electronically by emailing dor_regulatoryhearings@state.co.us.

  Motion Regarding Unrepresented Entity


Subpoena Requests

Any requests for subpoenas must be filed with the Hearings Division for Hearing Officer approval.  Please email dor_regulatoryhearings@state.co.us to get the appropriate form for your request.

Disclaimer: This summary was prepared by the Department of Revenue Hearing Division and should be used as a reference only. Interested parties should refer to the full text of the law and seek legal counsel before drawing conclusions.