All State offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


Income Tax Subtractions

About the Reports

The reports summarize Colorado income tax subtractions claimed by individuals and C corporations each tax year on Colorado income tax returns. The Summary Reports show, for each subtraction, the number claimed and the total and average amounts claimed. There is one Summary Report per tax year. The To Date Reports show the same statistics by size of income. Additional tax years will be added to the To Date Reports every year. A distinction is made between taxpayers that have Colorado source income only and taxpayers that have income outside of Colorado. For taxpayers that have income outside of Colorado, the subtraction amounts are not limited to Colorado source income. The reports begin tax year 2022. Prior year data is available in other formats on these webpages: Individual Statistics of Income, Corporate Statistics of Income, and Tax Profile and Expenditure Reports.


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